I'm wondering if there is any reason to keep sysutils/rc_subr around?
In bsd.port.mk the default sub for %%RC_SUBR%% is already
/etc/rc.subr, and all supported platforms have always had that file.

After the release of 8.0 I'd like to do the following:
1. Deprecate sysutils/rc_subr
2. Update all ports rc.d scripts that currently use %%RC_SUBR%% to use
/etc/rc.subr instead.
3. Simplify any ports Makefiles that depend on sysutils/rc_subr
4. Simplify bsd.port.mk

I also think it would be reasonable to update the Handbook section on
ports rc.d scripts to use /etc/rc.subr now.

Any objections?



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