On 2009-10-18T21:43:24-0700, Doug Barton <do...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> Kenyon Ralph wrote:
> > I'm trying to replace perl 5.8 with perl 5.10, so I did this (as in the
> > 20090328 /usr/ports/UPDATING entry):
> > 
> > % sudo portmaster -v -t -D -o lang/perl5.10 lang/perl5.8
> > % sudo portmaster -v -D -R -m 'FORCE_PKG_REGISTER=yes' -r 
> > perl-threaded-5.10.1
> > 
> > (FORCE_PKG_REGISTER seems to be needed to keep libtool22 from erroring
> > and stopping the portmaster run.)
> I'm looking into this in more detail, but first I wonder why libtool
> is being built at all. Did you follow the instructions in the 20090802
> UPDATING entry to replace libtool15 with libtool22? You should not
> need to use FORCE_PKG_REGISTER in this situation, that's a sign that
> there is something wrong. I also suspect that it's masking a deeper
> problem and is the cause of having things installed more than once in
> the same portmaster run (which should never happen).

This system was first created around 2009-08-14, so it always had

> I'm also wondering if all your other ports are up to date (other than
> switching perl versions). At least on my system perl is not required
> by libtool so it doesn't make sense that it (or several of the other
> things in your log) are being built at all.

Yes, before I started this perl upgrade, I had just csup'd /usr/ports
and completed portmaster -a.

> I'm also concerned that there is something wrong with your /var/db/pkg
> directory, since grep can handle an argument list of many thousands of
> items without any problems. Can you do this and let me know what it
> says: ls -d /var/db/pkg/* | wc -l

After doing portmaster --check-depends which did a few +REQUIRED_BY

% pkg_info | wc -l

% ls -d /var/db/pkg/* | wc -l

That is one more than portmaster -l:
===>>> 845 total installed ports

> That number should match the number of ports that 'portmaster -l'
> tells you that you have.
> Finally I would run 'portmaster --check-depends' just to see if there
> is anything else strange going on. You will probably get some errors
> about no installed version of perl5.8 which is normal.

Ah, I do remember seeing some warnings flying by saying that I should
try --check-depends. As I said above, I executed it. Didn't see any
errors about perl5.8.

I also ran portmaster --check-port-dbdir, deleted the directories that
did not seem to be installed, and noticed that x11/kde4 and kdeutils4
were not installed (even though the rest of kde4 seems to be installed).
So I'm doing portmaster -v -t -D -R x11/kde4 right now, which is
building several ports. I'll try resuming -r perl-threaded-5.10.1 after

Kenyon Ralph

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