On 16.10.2009 19:40 (UTC+2), Lowell Gilbert wrote:
utis...@googlemail.com writes:

On 16 Oct 2009 12:03, Michele Monti <monti...@gmail.com> wrote:

Miro 2.5.2 has as a dependence
is forbidden.

===>>> Port directory: /usr/ports/www/firefox
===>>> This port is marked FORBIDDEN
===>>> too many security issues

===>>> If you are sure you can build it, remove the
FORBIDDEN line in the Makefile and try again.

Is it possible to fix this?


Until it gets fixed (ie firefox updated to firefox3) just install
/usr/ports/www/firefox3, and it'll work fine.

No, that won't help with miro.

I am running miro on 9.0-CURRENT with firefox35 and libxul, without mozilla and firefox2. At least on CURRENT the following entry in /usr/ports/UPDATING helps:

  AFFECTS: users of www/epiphany, x11/yelp, graphics/librsvg2,
           x11/toolkits/py-gnome-extras, and www/epiphany-extensions
  AUTHOR: gn...@freebsd.org

  The default Gecko provider has been changed from www/firefox to
  www/libxul.  Firefox 2.x is now forbidden for security reasons, and
  libxul is the new, stable Gecko provider.  Libxul uses the same Gecko
  engine as Firefox 3.0.x.

  Some ports may fail to upgrade or run when both www/firefox and libxul
  are installed on the same system.  To make sure everything runs smoothly,
  uninstall www/firefox, then install libxul, then upgrade the affected


This has been hanging over our heads for a while now.

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