Hi Maho Nakata,

First of all, thanks for all your good work - I've been your faithful
"customer" for several years already and really appreciate your dedication.

 > It sounds like OOO is designed to be compiled on a fresh system: I
> > reformated a disk yesterday and the compilation of OOO just finished
> > successfully. I loaded 8.0-RC1.
> >
> > As a matter of fact, I used the bundled modules - it takes longer but
> seems
> > to be a bit more stable.
> Hi, Olivier Gautherot
> thanks for your e-mail. this is just a maintaing issue.
> if you provide some human resources I'm very happy to use
> python from ports tree instead.

I'll have to reissue the compilation in the data partition since I already
started using the necessary space. I'll let you know.

Serious problem may be that when some cws (child work space, smallest
> unit of development) wrt python is introduced, or when ports
> python is updated. Then there may be a conflict, and I'd like
> to ask you to fix it. Usually very easy, but sometimes very hard.

>From my past experience, I tend to use the ports as released and do not
update the ports tree. The few times I did were tough experiences, usually
ending with a complete reinstall... :-S  So I'm an easy customer on the
ports. System upgrades usually end up in a backup and start from scratch
(which was a real exercise on a VIA motherboard). So I may be somewhat

I'll let you know the results.

Olivier Gautherot
Cel:+56 98 730 9361
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