Alberto Villa wrote:
>>  For two it means that the upgrade always needs to be connected and
>>  able to connect to the freshports site.
> you need it too when you download distfiles. also, read the next answer

A lot of users download all the distfiles first, then use portmaster
in "off line" mode. This is why users requested the -F feature.

>>  Four I don't see why anyone needs the commit info at upgrade time
>>  because as a part of administration this should be taken care of before
>>  you decide to upgrade anything.
> no, i didn't mean this should be shown when upgrading: i would add an option, 
> something like --commit-history. by you as the casual portmaster user, this 
> change wouldn't even be noted

While I certainly appreciate your wanting to include this as part of
portmaster my suggestion would be that you polish this up a bit and
submit it as its own port. I could easily see why users would like to
have this functionality in a convenient form, whether they use
portmaster or not.



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