On Mon, September 7, 2009 7:41 am, Danny Braniss wrote:
> [...]
>> > > >
>> > > ok, so some time has passed, but virtualbox-2.2.51r20457.tar.gz is
>> no
>> > > longer available, there is a
>> > > ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/distfiles/virtualbox-2.2.51r20457.tar.bz2
>> > > then again in ports/emulatores/virtualbox the version is
>> 3.0.51r22226,
>> > >
>> > > can someone please explain?
> hi, the above was my question, which was totally ignored, not nice.
> I will try and refrase it:
> the call for testing is for a version (2.2.51r20457) which is not
> available, while
> the ports is 3.0.51r22226, so while I managed to compile it, it complains
> that COM
> is not running, all this under 8BETA-3, both under 32 and 64 bit.
I'll try to be nice but it is still unclear to me what you want. The file
is available on all 4 master sites that are listed in the ports Makefile.

The virtualbox port is still in heavy development so it is strongly
recommended that you use the latest version that is in the ports. If that
also does not work you could give our svn version a try but be careful
with it because it can break in strange ways or destroy your virtual

svn co

Bernhard Fröhlich

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