INDEX build failed with errors:
Generating INDEX-6 - please wait.."Makefile", line 15: Unassociated shell 
command "system/bbs/mail"
make: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
===> news/mmail failed
*** Error code 1
pkg_info: not found
pkg_info: not found
*** Error code 1

Stop in /local0/portmgr/tindex/ports.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /local0/portmgr/tindex/ports.
1 error

Committers on the hook:
acm amdmi3 araujo brooks linimon marcus miwi skreuzer tabthorpe vd 

Most recent CVS update was:
U databases/Makefile
U databases/akonadi-googledata/Makefile
U databases/akonadi-googledata/distinfo
U databases/akonadi-googledata/pkg-descr
U databases/akonadi-googledata/pkg-plist
U deskutils/Makefile
U deskutils/libgcal/Makefile
U deskutils/libgcal/distinfo
U deskutils/libgcal/pkg-descr
U deskutils/libgcal/pkg-plist
U graphics/hugin/Makefile
U graphics/hugin/distinfo
U graphics/hugin/pkg-plist
U graphics/hugin/files/patch-doc_CMakeLists.txt
U graphics/hugin/files/patch-src_hugin1_hugin_TextureManager.cpp
U net-im/pidgin-sipe/Makefile
U net-im/telepathy-gabble/Makefile
U net-im/telepathy-gabble/distinfo
U net-im/telepathy-glib/Makefile
U net-im/telepathy-glib/distinfo
U net-im/telepathy-glib/pkg-plist
U net-im/telepathy-python/Makefile
U net-im/telepathy-python/distinfo
U net-im/telepathy-python/pkg-plist
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