Anton Shterenlikht wrote:
port science/paraview is far behind the current version.

I do understand that nobody really takes care of it,
so please do not see this as a request. I'm grateful
that somebody has created this port at all!

I'd like to help but I've never done any serious
port work, just occasional patches.
What is your estimate of the amount of work, and of
skills required to bring this port up to date?

many thanks

In my experience, you usually cannot tell how hard it is going to be until you try. But quite often, the process of updating a port is not that hard. Certainly you don't necessarily have to understand how everything works to do this.

Try changing the version number in the port, do a "make makesum" to download the source and make the distinfo file, and then do a "make" and see what happens. Quite likely you will need to remove some of the patches from the directory "files" - do this on a "try it and see" basis. The one file that will almost certainly need updating is "pkg-plist."

I really do recommend you just try to update the port yourself, and see if you can do it.

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