On Fri, August 14, 2009 2:53 pm, Johan Hendriks wrote:

> Well i can assure you that that was not the case.
> I did test it by going to 5.10, which worked, do all the things in
> /usr/ports/UPDATING.
> Then going back to 5.8.9, it did not work.
> Going back to 5.8.8 it did work.
> I also did fresh installs on FreeBSD 6.x and 7.x  with the new perl 5.8.9
> at that time and MailScanner refused to work.
> 5.8.9. just did not work!
> here is the thread off that on the ports list
> http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-ports/2009-February/052959.html
> I got an answer from someone who also had the same issue on a clean
> install.
> So let MailScanner depend on 5.10.x is not a so bad in my opinion.
> And if it is just a mailscanner server the update from 5.8.x to 5.10.x is
> not so bad to do.
> I did it on all my systems and not one did fail. approx 20 with FreeBSD
> 6.x, 7.x and 8-CURRENT at that time

I have managed to install and run this port on a fresh install of FreeBSD
and Perl 5.9. However i am still unable to use it on some of my production
servers. Some condition seems to trigger this problem when upgrading Perl
5.8.8 to 5.8.9. I am not sure what it is at this time. Since it works for
someone people i have taken out the explicit dependency on Perl 5.10 and
have instead added an note on this problem.

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