Thomas Backman wrote:
[r...@chaos ~]# pkgdb -aF
---> Checking the package registry database
[r...@chaos ~]# portversion -l '<'
dnsmasq <
ezm3 <
libtool <
python26 <
[r...@chaos ~]# pkg_version | awk '$2 !~ /=/'
[r...@chaos ~]# portupgrade -a
[r...@chaos ~]#
As was mentioned, you can use pkg_version -L =, or you can compare it
with INDEX.db instead of ports tree: pkg_version -IL =. This is
significantly faster.
pkg_version -L =
Usr: 7.286s Krnl: 3.984s Totl: 0:31.77s
pkg_version -IL =
Usr: 0.195s Krnl: 0.015s Totl: 0:00.21s
And if you want to know the version of newer (available) port, you can
use pkg_version -vIL =
It gives you something like this:
png-1.2.35 < needs updating (index has 1.2.38)
postfix-2.5.6,1 < needs updating (index has 2.6.3,1)
vim-lite-7.2.209 < needs updating (index has 7.2.239)
Miroslav Lachman
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