I'm posting this to both the mailman-users list and the freebsd-ports list. I realize that not all follow-up will make it to both lists.

I would like to set up multiple instances of Mailman on a FreeBSD 7- STABLE system with using Postfix. Looking at the ports Makefile, it appears that if I set MM_DIR=mailman/vhosts/domain-for-this-instance everything should work file (plus add FORCE_PACKAGE_REGISTER allow this second instance to be installed.)

But when I do

 % cd /usr/ports/mail/mailman
% sudo make -DMM_DIR=mailman/vhosts/lists.wilson-pta.org - DFORCE_PKG_REGISTER install

It just installs in the default location, /usr/local/mailman

And this paradoxical report of various settings

$ sudo make MM_DIR=mailman/vhosts/lists.wilson-pta.org - DFORCE_PKG_REGISTER install
===>  Found saved configuration for mailman-2.1.12

You may change the following build options:
MM_USERNAME=mailman     The username of the Mailman user.
MM_USERID=91            The user ID of the Mailman user.
MM_GROUPNAME=mailman    The group to which the Mailman user will belong.
MM_GROUPID=MM_USERID    The group ID for the Mailman user.
MM_DIR=mailman Mailman will be installed in /usr/local/mailman/vhosts/ lists.wilson-pta.org. CGI_GID=www The group name or id under which your web server executes CGI scripts.
IMGDIR=www/icons        Icon images will be installed in /usr/local/www/icons.

Notice the conflicting information on the line telling me about MM_DIR.

Background on the issue

As is well known to mailman users, mailman 2.X does not fully deal with virtual mail domains in that, say




would have to be the same list. That is mailman does not provide a separate namespace for lists in different domains.

The Wiki/FAQ at


hints at patches (which I can't seem to locate) and mailing list discussion mentions an alternative of having a separate instance of Mailman for each virtual domain. This later approach seems easier if you don't anticipate having loads of domains. So that is what I intend to do.



Jeffrey Goldberg                        http://www.goldmark.org/jeff/

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