Lars Eighner wrote:
> On Wed, 5 Aug 2009, Doug Barton wrote:
>> Naram Qashat wrote:
>>> Actually, I had this problem as well, I found the solution (after a bit
>>> of Googling), is to deinstall devel/dbus-qt4 and then install it again.
>>> Apparently the update conflicts with the older version already
>>> installed.
>> Oy, that's not a good thing. I notice that there is now an entry in
>> ports/UPDATING that covers this though, so at least users who pay
>> attention to that file will not run into the same problem.
> It sure looks like this thing gets worse, and worse.  If you try to fix
> devel/qt4-designer as suggested in UPDATING it turns out it won't install
> without devel/qt4-assistant being updated.
> Does anyone check these things before they are committed?

Nope, we just commit random crap and sit around laughing while users

Seriously though, think about the enormity of the current ports
system, the effectively-infinitely variable state of user systems at
upgrade time, and do the math. It's not possible to test every
scenario, and yes, sometimes there are inconveniences.

If you'd like to make a constructive contribution you should consider
sending a note with suggestions on how to make the
UPDATING entry more accurate.



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