Hallo Matthew Seaman,

> The OP does have a valid point though.  I just got an e-mail from Freshpo=
> rts
> saying that a bunch of ports I maintain had had PORTREVISION bumps becaus=
> e of
> the jpeg update.  Which is all fine and dandy, except that these were the=
> =20
> www/p5-RT-* extension modules for RT.  First of all, they are pure perl: =
> there's
> no object linkage with the jpeg shlibs at all.  Secondly, they have nothi=
> ng
> to do with manipulating jpeg data in any way, shape or form.  One of thei=
> r
> dependencies links against libjpeg: that's it.

This may be, but the port has "libjpeg" as dependency listed.

ports/www/p5-RT-Authen-ExternalAuth$ make all-depends-list | grep jpeg

ports/www/p5-RT-Extension-SLA$ make all-depends-list | grep jpeg

Sorry I had no way to detect if this dependecy is not needed.
I build the index with "EXPLICIT_PACKAGE_DEPENDS=yes",
which reduced the number of ports affected alot.

Sadly further work on this general problem has been suspended.

I hoped the current package tools where up to the task,
making this bump obsolete, but I have been prooven wrong.

kind regards Dirk

- Dirk Meyer, Im Grund 4, 34317 Habichtswald, Germany
- [dirk.me...@dinoex.sub.org],[dirk.me...@guug.de],[din...@freebsd.org]
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