My system (uname -a) is FreeBSD
7.2-RELEASE-p2 FreeBSD 7.2-RELEASE-p2 #0: Fri Jun 26 15:23:52 CDT 2009

I recently installed security/krb5 which is my first installed port
that has set WITH_OPENSSL_PORT in its Makefile.  It didn't take me
long to notice after the installation of security/krb5 that
security/pam_ldap on the same system no longer works, so I tried
recompiling/reinstalling openldap and pam_ldap but that didn't fix it.
 However, I didn't set WITH_OPENSSL_PORT myself when I did that -- I
assumed the ports system would automatically detect that the openssl
port was installed and would use that.

Since I couldn't live with broken pam_ldap on my production system
while I figured it out, I undid everything I did, so my system is now
back to the way it was before installing security/krb5.  However, I
still need security/krb5 (as a prereq for samba3 with ADS

I am unsure what I need to do to use the ports openssl on my system
instead of the one that comes with the base system, without breaking
things.  I assume I need to recompile the ports that depend on
openssl, but how do I get the list of those things, given that (AFAIK)
none of them list openssl as a dependency?

Since I do OS updates from source, will using ports openssl affect
make installworld and/or make installkernel on the base system?

I read the openssl section in the FreeBSD Handbook and didn't find any
useful information about this in there.  I also read through (as much
as I could follow, anyway) /usr/ports/Mk/ but am still

Can someone outline how to use openssl from ports correctly?

Thanks for any advice.

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