On Wednesday 22 July 2009 14:40:50 Thomas Zander wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 22:33, Michael D.
> Stackhouse<mstackho...@samsa.com> wrote:
> > I think we'll investigate VLC as an alternative.  Not too comfortable
> > building around a solution that's not being maintained as it should be.
> mplayer is definitely continuously developed, it's not an abandoned
> project! They just do not follow a release scheme at the moment.

I don't consider sticking code into a repository "developing". Release 
engineering is an important part of the development process and shifting this 
burden onto packagers, while stuffing more and more non-portable code into the 
repository is exactly why it's hard to find volunteers with the time and 
knowledge to maintain an up-to-date mplayer port.
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