On Tue, 16 Jun 2009 20:07:26 +0200 Alexey Shuvaev
<shuv...@physik.uni-wuerzburg.de> wrote:
>On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 10:25:59PM -0500, Scott Bennett wrote:
>>      I got no responses when I posted this a few days ago, so I'm reposting
>> it now.  I'd really like to finish the perl upgrade process, so I could move
>> on to installing/updating other ports safely, but could use some advice.
>>    --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>      Following the instructions in /usr/ports/UPDATING for upgrading from
>> lang/perl5.8 to lang/perl5.10 using portmaster, the first part seems to go
>> well.  The last line of that process is where the excerpt below begins.
>> The second step, as you will see, fails with the error message shown.
>> /usr/ports/UPDATING neglects to mention what to do next, and the process
>> looks incomplete at this point.  If someone could offer instructions for
>> completing the process, I would be grateful.
>> ===>>> Upgrade of perl-5.8.9_2 to perl-threaded-5.10.0_3 complete
>> hellas# nice +18 portmaster -v -r perl\*
>> ===>>> No ORIGIN in /var/db/pkg/perl-threaded-5.10.0_3/+CONTENTS:@comment 
>> ORIGIN:lang/perl5.10 /var/db/pkg/perltidy-20071205/+CONTENTS:@comment 
>> ORIGIN:devel/perltidy/+CONTENTS
>> ===>>> Aborting update
>The something is wrong with packages database in /var/db/pkg or portmaster
>doesn't like it. Please, show the output from the following commands to start:
>head /var/db/pkg/perl-threaded-5.10.0_3/+CONTENTS
>head /var/db/pkg/perltidy-20071205/+CONTENTS
Script started on Tue Jun 16 22:48:33 2009
[hellas] 101 % head /var/db/pkg/perl-threaded-5.10.0_3/+CONTENTS
@name perl-threaded-5.10.0_3
@comment ORIGIN:lang/perl5.10
@cwd /usr/local
@pkgdep gdbm-1.8.3_3
@comment DEPORIGIN:databases/gdbm
@conflicts perl-5.6.*
@conflicts perl-5.8.*
@conflicts perl-threaded-5.8.*
[hellas] 102 % head /var/db/pkg/perltidy-20071205/+CONTENTS
@name perltidy-20071205
@comment ORIGIN:devel/perltidy
@cwd /usr/local
@pkgdep perl-threaded-5.10.0_3
@comment DEPORIGIN:lang/perl5.10
@comment MD5:5b629d5917cb885aa24509e40da51b9f
@comment MD5:dcedd0294434f2a88ad1caa048847ce0
[hellas] 103 % exit

Script done on Tue Jun 16 22:49:49 2009

>Mine is (no perltidy though):
>~> head /var/db/pkg/perl-5.10.0_3/+CONTENTS 
>@name perl-5.10.0_3
>@comment ORIGIN:lang/perl5.10
>@cwd /usr/local
>@conflicts perl-5.6.*
>@conflicts perl-5.8.*
>@conflicts perl-threaded-5.8.*
>@comment MD5:41051bd143f495e113fa136ac0e9cb6f
>Hmmm... Looking at portmaster sources I've got one idea.
>Can you try more precise command to upgrade everything depending on perl?
>nice +18 portmaster -v -r perl-threaded-5.10.0_3
>The point is that perl\* wildcard gives you both perl-threaded-XXX and
>perltidy-XXXX which might be bad idea.

     Bingo!!  Very nice call.  It has now driven me to distraction with dialog
boxes for configuration stuff for many ports/packages, and is now busily
reinstalling perl intself.
>If this is the case I think UPDATING entry should be improved
>to use perl-\* wildcard.

     I think you meant to *not* use the wildcard, and yes, /usr/ports/UPDATING
is clearly wrong in this case and should be fixed.
     Thanks very much for solving this.  I still have to deal with some
problems with options on the various packages/ports to be updated, but I can
proceed for now.

                                  Scott Bennett, Comm. ASMELG, CFIAG
* Internet:       bennett at cs.niu.edu                              *
* "A well regulated and disciplined militia, is at all times a good  *
* objection to the introduction of that bane of all free governments *
* -- a standing army."                                               *
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