On Wed, 10 Jun 2009 16:52:36 -0400
Wesley Shields <w...@freebsd.org> wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 12:44:42PM -0800, Mel Flynn wrote:
> > On Wednesday 10 June 2009 05:26:47 Wesley Shields wrote:
> > 
> > > It will be quite slow compared to using pkg_which (the normal
> > > method) so be patient.
> > 
> > Does pkg_which use the pkgdb? If so, maybe we could have pkg_info
> > grow a cache for future encounters, or we can create one:
> My guess is that pkg_which is using pkgdb, which is why it is
> significantly faster.
> > % grep -v '^@' /var/db/pkg/*/+CONTENTS >/tmp/pkg_info.cache
> > % FOUND=`sed -ne
> > 's,^/var/db/pkg/\(.*\)/+CONTENTS:lib/python2.6/site-
> > packages/xcbgen/error.py$,\1,p' /tmp/pkg_info.cache`; echo $FOUND
> > xcb-proto-1.4
> > 
> > So:
> > 's,^${PKG_DBDIR}/\(.*\)/+CONTENTS:$$f$$,\1,p'
> I think there is a SoC project in the works to make our pkg utilities
> much better. I don't know any of the details but I can only hope that
> speed is one of the things being improved.
> > > [1]: http://people.freebsd.org/~wxs/python26-portmaster.diff
> > 
> > What's this for?
> > +JOBS=      sysctl -n kern.smp.cpus
> > 
> > Should be != if it's gonna be used, but it's not referenced
> > anywhere else that I can see.

If we'd be using != that particular instruction would be executed each
time something interacts with the port, including eg. mkake describe
(part of make index).

This way that piece of code is executed only when needed.
(and yes, it is referenced further bellow).

> It's used in XARGS_CMD to provide a bit of parallelism in an effort to
> be a bit faster. In my opinion the number can be increased much
> further than kern.smp.cpus but I'm not in a position to figure out
> how far to push it. The value used is better than nothing.\

Probably x2 would be OK.

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