Sean McAfee writes:
| Frank J. Laszlo wrote:
| > Philip M. Gollucci wrote:
| >> Vladimir Ermakov wrote:
| >>  
| >>> Hi, all.
| >>> please appreciate my port *megacli*
| >>>
| >>>
| >>>     
| >>
| >> Is that different from this the port, is it an update?
| >>
| >> Path:   /usr/ports/sysutils/linux-megacli
| > 
| > Since the megacli application now has a native binary, should be not 
| > DEPRICATE the linux version?
| > 
| > Regards,
| >    Frank Laszlo
| Probably not. I noted this when I originally filed the PR for 
| linux-megacli2, but the 1.x, 2.x, and 4.x versions support dramatically 
| different hardware lines.
| As an example, this native version is 4.x and does not support the Dell 
| PERC5.

I find this hard to believe and in my experience with a fresh download
from LSI's web-site the FreeBSD and Linux variants work just fine
on my PERC5's for things like -AdpAllInfo.  There is no real firmware
interface difference between between the PERC5 and PERC6.  So I don't
know where you get this from.  Specifics in which things are broken
could be nice so I can look at getting them fixed.  I put in the
management ioctl path that they use into FreeBSD a long time ago.
They did find some bugs in some new management features that are 
fixed in 7.1 and I need to merge back to 6.  Unfortunately, this work 
happened after the last 6.X version was released :-(
| IMO, linux-megacli, linux-megacli2, and megacli should all exist as 
| independent ports.

I would say not.  Let's get rid of the Linux variant and use the FreeBSD
native ones.  The FreeBSD should be a lot easier to run then the
Linux one and won't have the potential NFS hang issue that Linux does.

It's nice to see the FreeBSD version and would be interesting to see
how much my hand was involved in that ...

My employer's FreeBSD native tool works across all of the MegaRAID SAS 
type cards and Dell servers that I've tried which pre-dates the MegaCLI 
for FreeBSD.  Prior versions of MegaCLI also did.  I can't say I've
tried all options with the latest MegaCLI.

Doug A.
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