On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 8:59 PM, Scott Bennett <benn...@cs.niu.edu> wrote:


> Script started on Fri May 29 19:33:32 2009
> hellas# portsnap fetch
> Looking up portsnap.FreeBSD.org mirrors... 3 mirrors found.
> Fetching public key from portsnap1.FreeBSD.org... failed.
> Fetching public key from portsnap2.FreeBSD.org... failed.
> Fetching public key from portsnap4.FreeBSD.org... failed.
> No mirrors remaining, giving up.
> hellas# exit
> exit
> Script done on Fri May 29 19:33:46 2009
>     Can anyone tell me what the problem is?  Is some portsnap service not
> operational at freebsd.org currently for some reason?  Is the up-to-date
> portsnap trying to reach the wrong systems?



I was able to do a 'fetch' using portsnap a little over an hour ago,
as well as just now (10:15PM EDT).  I successfully fetched from

Can you paste the 'ANSWER SECTON' from:

  'dig portsnap2.freebsd.org'

Glen Barber
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