Martin Wilke wrote:
Hash: SHA1


First of all sorry for all unanswered mails, I got a stupid flu,
but now i feel better... ok now back to vbox, time for a new call
for testing :-)

Following was added/fixed:

- - ACPI Support was added
- - hostDVD support was added
- - Fix startup on HEAD
- - Plist problem under AMD64 was fixed
- - Qt4 Frontend is now Optional
- - Desktop file was added
- - Xorg dependencies was fixed
- - Guest additions was added (thx to Maho NAKATA <chat95 (at) mac dot com>)

Open task:
 We have got 2 patches for nls support and the request
 to make dbus and pulseaudio optional. These both will
be added with the next run.
 We'd like to say many many thanks for all your feedback.

Happy Testing :-)

- --
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|       Mess with the Best, Die like the Rest!          |
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first thanks for all those who participated in the port! Being able to run VirtualBox on FreeBSD is really cool!

Well, I have one slight Problem, however, with VirtualBox on FreeBSD; tried both the SVN-Version (since it's first days when it didn't work on amd64, updating it each time Martin announced some good news) and the virtualbox_5.tgz (to make sure it's not an "unsupported" SVN-Version that's causing the trouble):

The /usr/local/lib/virtualbox Directory is being created root:wheel with Mode 700.

[bash]beaster:~$ls -lad /usr/local/lib/virtualbox
drwx------  2 root  wheel  512 27 Mai 18:58 /usr/local/lib/virtualbox

The "make deinstall" really removes that Directory and "make reinstall" does create it;

===> Generating temporary packing list ===> Checking if emulators/virtualbox already installed /bin/mkdir -p /boot/modules install -o root -g wheel -m 555 /home/ralf/vbox2/virtualbox/work/virtualbox-2.2.2r19980/out/freebsd.amd64/release/bin/vboxdrv.ko /boot/modules /bin/mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/virtualbox (cd /home/ralf/vbox2/virtualbox/work/virtualbox-2.2.2r19980/out/freebsd.amd64/release/bin && /bin/sh -c '(/usr/bin/find -d $0 $2 | /usr/bin/cpio -dumpl $1 >/dev/null 2>&1) && /usr/sbin/chown -R root:wheel $1 && /usr/bin/find -d $0 $2 -type d -exec chmod 755 $1/{} \; && /usr/bin/find -d $0 $2 -type f -exec chmod 444 $1/{} \;' -- "*.so *.gc *.r0 components" /usr/local/lib/virtualbox) /bin/mkdir -p /usr/local/bin

The toor-Users umask is 0022, the root Users 22.

This happens on

7.2-STABLE FreeBSD 7.2-STABLE #0: Sat May 23 17:58:51 CEST 2009

As I'm the only one who runs into this problem it must be a local Problem; however, I have no Idea what the reason might be. Creating a Directory being root (or toor; to be sure I tried both) works fine and observes the umask

[-su]beaster:virtualbox$mkdir /usr/local/lib/virtualbox2
[-su]beaster:virtualbox$ls -lad /usr/local/lib/virtualbox2/
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel  512 May 27 19:05 /usr/local/lib/virtualbox2/

I hope I didn't overlook something in the Port's Docs; I only found "Running VirtualBox as non-root user may fail" so I assume it's uspposed to work for non-root Users, too.

Does anyone have a hint? It's not too bad having to chmod /usr/local/lib/virtualbox, but creating with the correct permissions would really be nice :-)


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