On Tue, 2009-04-14 at 14:24 +0400, Dmitry Morozovsky wrote:
> On Tue, 14 Apr 2009, Michal Varga wrote:
> MV> On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 3:13 AM, Dmitry Morozovsky <ma...@rinet.ru> wrote:
> MV> > Dear Joe Marcus,
> MV> >
> MV> > DM> JMC> What versions of gnome-keyring and seahorse do you have?
> MV> > DM>
> MV> > DM> ma...@revamp:/usr/ports> pkg_info | egrep 'gnome-keyring|seahorse'
> MV> > DM> gnome-keyring-2.26.0 A program that keeps passwords and other 
> secrets
> MV> > DM> seahorse-2.26.0     GNOME application for managing encryption keys 
> (PGP, SSH)
> MV> >
> MV> > After
> MV> >
> MV> > portupgrade -f seahorse gnome-keyring
> MV> >
> MV> > and reboot
> MV> >
> MV> > still the same effect...
> MV> >
> MV> > Of course, I can wipe packages installed and set it up from scratch, 
> but I
> MV> > would prefer a bit safer way if at all possible ;-)
> MV> >
> MV> Well, I have no idea what a "Terminal remote login" in this particular
> MV> context is, so this may not be of any help, but I've seen this issue
> MV> before:
> MV> 
> MV> "Before the upgrade, I had once pop-up asking for my key passphrase, then
> MV> let me use this private key during my (home) session without further 
> asking..
> MV> Now, when I try to connect to the host which even possibly want to check
> MV> whether I want to present some key there, I got the pop-up. I even 
> checked that
> MV> I can connect to the host in question using plain xterm, and have usual
> MV> password qiery."
> MV> 
> MV> I've been in similiar situation some time ago, when new
> MV> gnome-keyring/seahorse (it started with one of the recent versions,
> MV> don't remember exactly when, but definitely before 2.26 was
> MV> introduced) for some surely interesting reason insisted on creating a
> MV> very own keyring every other reboot - while originally you were using
> MV> one default keyring (let's call it "default") for storing your
> MV> passwords, now gnome-keyring kept creating a new one named "login" and
> MV> always set it as the default one.
> MV> 
> MV> That "login" keyring was even more special in that that nothing stored
> MV> in it ever worked, it still kept asking for passwords and even then
> MV> was not able to use them (and lost them on the next reboot anyway..
> MV> Maybe that's a feature, don't know, don't care). I've run into this on
> MV> a few different machines, every time I needed to open 'seahorse', get
> MV> to Passwords tab, delete the "login" keyring, set the original
> MV> "default" as the default keyring (first time I wiped them all and
> MV> created a clean one to be sure, but as it turned out later, this
> MV> wasn't needed), after that, passwords worked fine again. This
> MV> procedure again and again for a few days/reboots, until seahorse
> MV> miraculously stopped this madness and let my default keyring be, well,
> MV> default (yes, just like that).
> MV> 
> MV> Anyway, if you weren't there yet, check seahorse gui for what keyring
> MV> are you really using, maybe you've hit the same issue with the "login"
> MV> stupidity..
> Yes, seahorse shows me two keyrings; however, deleting "login" one does not 
> fix 
> the situation: if in the Terminal I try to open tab which ssh's to outer 
> host, 
> I immediately got the popup with 
> "There was an error creating the child process for this terminal"
> nothing in this tab is started, and tab is just hanging.
> "login" keyring sometimes got recreated, sometimes not, but the effect above 
> is 
> totally reproducible.

If I am following this correctly, the functionality you are talking
about is actually provided by seahorse-agent, which is installed with
the seahorse-plugins port now.  Unless something has changed with the
default session (and I don't think it has, since my keyrings still work)
we wrap the session with ssh-agent and seahorse-agent if they are found.


Robert Noland <rnol...@freebsd.org>

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