INDEX build failed with errors: Generating INDEX-6 - please wait..pkg_info: not found pkg_info: not found pkg_info: not found pkg_info: not found Done. make_index: linux-f8-nss- no entry for :/a/erwin/tindex/ports/databases/linux-sqlite3 make_index: linux-f8-nss- no entry for :/a/erwin/tindex/ports/devel/linux-nspr
Committers on the hook: bsam itetcu jadawin leeym mi osa rnoland roam Most recent CVS update was: U MOVED U Mk/ U devel/compiz-bcop/Makefile U devel/compiz-bcop/distinfo U devel/p5-CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/Makefile U devel/p5-CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/distinfo U graphics/libraw/Makefile U graphics/libraw/distinfo U graphics/libraw/pkg-plist U graphics/quat-gui/Makefile U mail/kiltdown/Makefile U mail/p5-Mail-IMAPClient/Makefile U mail/p5-Mail-IMAPClient/distinfo U textproc/xslide.el/Makefile U www/mod_auth_mysql41_ap2/Makefile U www/mod_bw/Makefile U www/mod_curb/Makefile U www/p5-WWW-Curl/Makefile U www/p5-WWW-Curl/distinfo U x11-toolkits/termit/Makefile U x11-toolkits/termit/pkg-plist _______________________________________________ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""