On Sun, 2009-03-08 at 14:40 -0400, Chuck Robey wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I'm busy trying to use portmanager to get me to kde4.2, but I'm having problem
> in updating my misc/localedata port.  Portmanager has decided misc/localedata
> needs to get rebuilt, and for some reason, that it needs to patch my
> /usr/ports/Mk/bsd.port/mk file with the patchfile
> /usr/local/share/portmanager/patch-bsd.port.mk-0.3.6.  I can't figure out why
> portmanager thinks that misc/localedata needs updating, but I much much worse,
> can't figure out why it needs to patch my /usr/ports/Mk/bsd.port/mk file.  I
> checked the patchfile I listed above, the patch seems fine BUT it's off in 
> terms
> of line number, it wants to patch around the line 2049, but in searching my
> bsd.port.mk, it should really be looking to patch about line 2347.  I could go
> about fixing this, but seeing as I don't know why it's patching things to 
> begin
> with, I feel really unsafe in changing the patchfile.

This has failed for a really long time... I should fix it someday, but
it really doesn't cause any harm that I've seen.  I normally always use
portmanager -u -p -l -y and it continues to dtrt.

> I did make sure that the patchfile was totally up-to-date, and that my
> bsd.port.mk is also up-to-date.
> Here's the portmanager listing, maybe someone here can tell me what's causing
> portmanager to want to patch my bsd.port.mk, and why the patchfile should be 
> so
> far off, and what might be the CORRECT way to fix this.  Oh, BTW, I run 
> current,
> and keep myself that way via cvsup.
> If you tell me I should just fix the patchfile, I know how to do that, I just
> feel uneasy when I have no idea of the context involved.  I think this exact
> same probolme is actually (probably) occurring in several other points in my
> kde4.2 build, so I really need to understand the reason it's trying to patch 
> to
> begin with, and why things are out of sync.
> +++++++++++ FROM the portmanager listing +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> TCSH-april:root:/usr/ports/lang:#44-19:26>portmanager misc/localedata -f -l
> MGPMrController 0.4.1_9 info: running in forced update mode
> rCreateInstalledDbVerifyContentsFile 0.4.1_9 error: "@name" not found in
> /var/db/pkg/convertall-0.4.0/+CONTENTS
>                 convertall-0.4.0 installation is corrupt!
>                 recomend running "pkg_delete -f convertall-0.4.0" then 
> manually
> reinstalling this port
> rCreateInstalledDbVerifyContentsFile 0.4.1_9 error: "@name" not found in
> /var/db/pkg/convertall-0.4.0/+CONTENTS
>                 convertall-0.4.0 installation is corrupt!
>                 recomend running "pkg_delete -f convertall-0.4.0" then 
> manually
> reinstalling this port

This error seems pretty clear, what did I miss?


> - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> portmanager 0.4.1_9: Collecting installed port data "forced mode"
> - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> - -0001 localedata-5.4 /misc/localedata
> rCreateInstalledDbVerifyContentsFile 0.4.1_9 error: "@name" not found in
> /var/db/pkg/convertall-0.4.0/+CONTENTS
>                 convertall-0.4.0 installation is corrupt!
>                 recomend running "pkg_delete -f convertall-0.4.0" then 
> manually
> reinstalling this port
> - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Port Status Report "forced mode"
> - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 00001 ----:localedata-5.4                      /misc/localedata
> ========================================================================
> updating localedata-5.4 /misc/localedata  options  reason: MISSING
> localedata-5.4 /misc/localedata
> - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> percentDone-=>0 = 100 - ( 100 * ( oldPortsDbQTY-=>1 / oldPortsDbTOTALIZER-=>1 
> ) )
> patching bsd.port.mk-=>cd /usr/ports/Mk; patch <
> /usr/local/share/portmanager/patch-bsd.port.mk-0.3.6;
> Hmm...  Looks like a unified diff to me...
> The text leading up to this was:
> - --------------------------
> |--- /usr/ports/Mk/bsd.port.mk  Tue Nov  8 01:02:51 2005
> |+++ bsd.port.mk        Wed Nov 16 02:16:57 2005
> - --------------------------
> Patching file bsd.port.mk using Plan A...
> Hunk #1 failed at 2049.
> 1 out of 1 hunks failed--saving rejects to bsd.port.mk.rej
> done
> - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> MGPMrUpdate 0.4.1_9 command: #1 of 14  cd /usr/ports/misc/localedata && make 
> -V
> - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> checking for conflicts before building localedata-5.4
> MGPMrUpdate 0.4.1_9 command: #3 of 14  cd /usr/ports/misc/localedata && make
> check-conflicts
> - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> intitial clean of work directories
> MGPMrUpdate 0.4.1_9 command: #7 of 14:
> - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> After this point, the stuff above repeats 2 more times, until it announces 
> that
> it's failed 3 times, and quitting.  No additional info, no idea why it's doing
> that patching to begin with.
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Robert Noland <rnol...@freebsd.org>

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