
        After the work on lang/ruby18, I did some work on lang/ruby19
to enable Profile-Guided Optimization (PGO) build support.

        What I did? (Steps 1-4 handled by pgo port target).

------- RECIPE
        1) Compile everything with CFLAGS/LDFLAGS containing

        2) Run lots of test cases to generate profiling information
           (make test);

        3) Remove all binaries leaving only the profiling information behind;

        4) Replace all instances of '-fprofile-generate' with

        5) Re-compile everything using the profiling information.

        If I did it correctly, you should not notice any differences
on port usage aside from PGO option and a huge build compilation
time. Please, verify if you can that I did all steps of the "RECIPE"

        What is different from the previous lang/ruby19 patch? Well,
the test cases have some timing problems when ran profiling
instrumentation so we do not generate as much profiling information
with this one; i.e., it is not as optimized as it could be because
some tests fail during profiling. However, we are safe since the
tests work after we re-build without the instrumentation.

        I am not a ruby expert so I would like input on this one:

        1) Does it perform better than ruby19 compiled without PGO?
           Hard number benchmarks welcome. Check

        2) Also, could others run specification conformance
           verification checks on the resulting ruby interpreter?
           So that we have multiple cross verification. Perhaps,
           with rubyspec?

        I hope you find this useful and that it performs as expected.
I want to go after lang/ruby19. Perhaps, even python and perl5.

        The modified port file can be found at


but the patch is so small that I have it as an attachment.


Mario S F Ferreira - DF - Brazil - "I guess this is a signature."
feature, n: a documented bug | bug, n: an undocumented feature
--- Makefile.orig       2009-03-01 07:05:01.000000000 -0300
+++ Makefile    2009-03-01 07:05:18.000000000 -0300
@@ -42,7 +42,8 @@
 NO_LATEST_LINK=        yes
-OPTIONS=       RDOC "Build and install Rdoc indexes" off \
+OPTIONS=       PGO "Enable Profile-Guided Optimization" off \
+               RDOC "Build and install Rdoc indexes" off \
                DEBUG "Compile-in debug info" off
 .include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
@@ -75,8 +76,14 @@
 CONFIGURE_ARGS+=       --disable-install-doc
+.if defined(WITH_PGO)
+CONFIGURE_ENV= CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -fprofile-generate" \
+               LDFLAGS="-fprofile-generate" \
+               LIBS="${LDFLAGS}"
 MLINKS=                ${RUBY_NAME}.1 ruby.1
@@ -133,6 +140,13 @@
        ${MV} ${BUILD_WRKSRC}/ext/${d} ${WRKDIR}/
+.if defined(WITH_PGO)
+.if target(pre-build)
+.error Makefile error since pre-build target has already been defined
+pre-build: pgo
 # Hack to allow modules to be installed into separate PREFIX and/or under user
@@ -288,4 +302,54 @@
        @(cd ${WRKSRC}; ${MAKE} test)
+       @(cd ${WRKSRC}; ${MAKE} update-rubyspec)
+       @(cd ${WRKSRC}; ${MAKE} test-rubyspec)
+.if defined(WITH_PGO)
+pgo: pgo-pre-build pgo-build pgo-run pgo-post-run pgo-clean
+       @${FIND} ${BUILD_WRKSRC} -type f -name Makefile -exec \
+               ${REINPLACE_CMD} -E \
+                       -e 
's,^(((C|LD)FLAGS|LDSHARED|ldflags)[[:space:]]*=.*)-fprofile-generate,\1,' \
+                       -e 's,^(CFLAGS[[:space:]]*=.*)-fprofile-use,\1,' \
+                       -e 
's,^(((C|LD)FLAGS|LDSHARED|ldflags)[[:space:]]*=.*)$$,\1 -fprofile-generate,' \
+                       {} \;
+# XXX
+# Can I use do-build directly instead of copying its contents?
+# I mean, if I do
+# pgo-build: do-build
+# Will do-build still be called when bsd.port.mk gets to the build target?
+# Or, will it have "already" been executed by the pgo-build target?
+       @(cd ${BUILD_WRKSRC}; ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} ${MAKE} ${MAKE_FLAGS} 
+# Check everything to generate profiling information.
+# Everything run so slowly that thread tests break on timing issues
+# so we will have to "trust" it just works during the build phase.
+# Manually test after build to make sure.
+       @-(cd ${BUILD_WRKSRC}; ${MAKE} test)
+#      @-(cd ${BUILD_WRKSRC}; ${MAKE} test-all)
+       @${FIND} ${BUILD_WRKSRC} -type f -name Makefile -exec \
+               ${REINPLACE_CMD} -E \
+                       -e 
's,^(((C|LD)FLAGS|LDSHARED|ldflags)[[:space:]]*=.*)-fprofile-generate,\1,' \
+                       -e 's,^(CFLAGS[[:space:]]*=.*)-fprofile-use,\1,' \
+                       -e 's,^(CFLAGS[[:space:]]*=.*)$$,\1 -fprofile-use,' \
+                       {} \;
+       @${REINPLACE_CMD} -E \
+               -e 's,-fprofile-generate,-fprofile-use,g' \
+               ${CONFIGURE_WRKSRC}/config.status
+       @(cd ${BUILD_WRKSRC}; ${MAKE} clean)
+.endif # if defined(WITH_PGO)
 .include <bsd.port.post.mk>
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