Robert Huff wrote:
Garrett Cooper writes:

 >    Just trying to amass cruft in the ports tree that could be marked
 > deprecated and removed. Some assistance in amassing the list would be
 > helpful...

 xmms looks completely dead now. Can someone confirm or deny this

huff@>> dir /var/dv/pkg | grep xmms-1
drwxr-xr-x    2 root  wheel       512 Feb 27 15:47 xmms-1.2.11_6
huff@>> ps -ax | grep xmms
99029  ??  S    102:16.39 /usr/local/bin/xmms

        It's currently playing Fleetwood Mac's "The chain" ....

                                Robert Huff

I too still use xmms and can confirm it works still.

Naram Qashat
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