On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 12:11 PM, Lars Eighner <portsu...@larseighner.com> wrote:
>> I use the nv driver BTW -- perfectly -- in the old (downgraded to) X.
> yes xorg 7.3 seems to work perfectly.  The display would work but the mouse
> wouldn't with 7.4.  I suspect the fix for the hal-moused battle does not
> work nv.
The video driver (nv) shouldn't have any effect on an input driver (mouse).

If you still have xorg 7.4 installed, try running hal-device and check
if your mouse is enabled or ignored.

I had this problem due to an extra configuration file under
/usr/local/share/hal that had disabled hal's ability to manage my

If you can post both the output of hal-device and the Xorg.0.log (from
xorg 7.4), someone should be able to resolve your mouse issue.

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