On Fri, 2009-01-09 at 00:36 +0100, Roland Smith wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 08, 2009 at 05:36:38PM -0500, Robert Noland wrote:
> > I just rolled up a new patchset.  This has not been through tinderbox
> > yet, so you have been warned...  This update should pretty much have us
> > current with all released xorg bits.
> > 
> > http://people.freebsd.org/~rnoland/xorg-update-010809.patch.bz2
> Looking over the patch, why is the glut library version changing from
> libglut.so.4 to libglut.so.3?

The libglut is coming from mesa now.  I'm not entirely certain that is
the right thing, but haven't had time to really investigate it.  I'll
try and figure out if we made the right move there or not.


> Roland

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