Hi Ivan.

On Wed, Nov 05, 2008 at 11:49:29PM +0100, Ivan Voras wrote:
> I'll probably have some time in the next few days to work on pkg_trans
> again, but first I'd like to get some input on the whole thing. The last
> time I talked about it I've made code available but I've received no
> feedback.

I have just grabbed the source tarball, and give pkg_trans a try.
Here are a few remarks:

1) As you said, $pkg_trans_save_deleted_packages should be set somewhere
else. Why not /etc/pkg_install.conf?  Another solution would be to rely
on a switch (as -b used by pkg_create(8) for creating backups.

However, the configuration file is surely "safer".

2) Semantic remark: when I hear "transaction" I think "commit" /
"rollback", not "end" nor "undo".  I have not tested using `pkg_trans
-[bade]` with `pkg_{add,delete} -z` directly to build "custom
transactions" (e.g. update a package from one version to another as part
of a single transaction (or 2, one for removing outdated packages and a
second one of installs new packages versions)), but I guess it would be
something like this (please confirm, I did not have a look to the source
code and could not find informations about doing this in the links you

| z=`pkg_trans -b`
| pkg_trans -d package-1.0 -z $z
| pkg_delete package-1.0
| pkg_add package-2.0
| pkg_trans -a package-2.0 -z $z
| pkg_trans -e -z $z

Assuming package-2.0 depends on a package that is not available,
installation will fail. Is the only way to rollback this to "end" the
transaction and "undo" it?

3) If I pkg_add -r some_package, it will create as many transactions as
packages installed:

| [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ # pkg_trans -l
| 0 transaction records found.
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ # pkg_add -r most
| Fetching 
| Fetching 
| Fetching 
| Fetching 
| Fetching 
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ # pkg_trans -l
| 000000001 (1 pkgs added) Sun Nov  9 18:01:20 2008
| 000000002 (1 pkgs added) Sun Nov  9 18:01:21 2008
| 000000003 (1 pkgs added) Sun Nov  9 18:01:22 2008
| 000000004 (1 pkgs added) Sun Nov  9 18:01:23 2008
| 000000005 (1 pkgs added) Sun Nov  9 18:01:24 2008
| 5 transaction records found.

Worst, reverting the situation is not as easy as:
| for t in 5 4 3 2 1; do pkg_trans -u -z $t; done

| [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ # pkg_trans -i -z 5
| Transaction 000000005, started on Sun Nov  9 18:02:23 2008
| ADD libslang2-2.1.4
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ # pkg_trans -i -z 1
| Transaction 000000001, started on Sun Nov  9 18:02:29 2008
| ADD most-5.0.0

Reading dependencies informations, we can determine the order in which
we have to undo changes:

| [EMAIL PROTECTED] /var/db/pkg # pkg_info -r *-*
| Information for libiconv-1.11_1:
| Depends on:
| Information for libslang2-2.1.4:
| Depends on:
| Dependency: png-1.2.32
| Dependency: pcre-7.8
| Dependency: libiconv-1.11_1
| Information for most-5.0.0:
| Depends on:
| Dependency: png-1.2.32
| Dependency: pcre-7.8
| Dependency: libiconv-1.11_1
| Dependency: libslang2-2.1.4
| Information for pcre-7.8:
| Depends on:
| Information for png-1.2.32:
| Depends on:
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] /var/db/pkg # for t in 1 5 2 3 4; do pkg_trans -u -z$t; done
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] /var/db/pkg # pkg_trans -l
| 0 transaction records found.
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] /var/db/pkg #

Is there any plan regarding this?  I guess the best would be to have a
single transaction.

Kind regards,

Romain Tartière <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        http://romain.blogreen.org/
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