Please submit this as a send-pr. I have fought repeatedly with the docbook maintainers over fixing things like this to no avail. Maybe if more people complain, then they will actually attempt to actually fix the multitude of docbook problems.

This issue is one that I cannot easily see in the files. The errors in docbook tend to be in places where things get added and deleted and the resulting files never match expetations. Something has to change, but I do not know what it is. I really do not want to have anything to do with maintenance of this steaming pile, but the current maintainer does not do a very good job either...
I'm sorry it was my fault as I broke it with a docbook-310 change. It's been fixed now. Could you please elaborate the other problems you have with DocBook-related ports? I'd also like to see improvements in this area and I'm willing to work on it.

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