On Jul 22, 2008, at 8:46 AM, Rafaël Carré wrote:

2008/7/22 Garrett Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 1:32 AM, Okalany Daniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 10:47 PM, Garrett Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 3:01 AM, Rafaël Carré <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
If you feel so, you can make all these options conditional on WITHOUT_X
and send me a patch ;)

i.e. for skins2 that would be:
.if defined(WITH_SKINS) && !defined(WITHOUT_SKINS) &&

That is the way to go in my opinion.

Thanks alot guys.. The options that worked for me ( to install text only
vlc) are:
./configure --disable-x11 --disable-xvideo --disable-glx --disable- sdl
--disable-sd --disable-wxwidgets --disable-skins2 --disable-freetype
--disable-mad --disable-ffmpeg

Do you have libX11 installed anyway on your system ?

It would be clever to build VLC the same way on a system with libX11
and then verify each .so built, to see if they are not linked with

That is to be sure autodetection will not enable something you don't
want, i.e. not enabled if libX11 was not detected, but enabled if it
was detected.
If this is the case, that would mean more --disable-xx are required.

The debian people verify each plugin (prefix/lib/vlc/**.so) when
building vlc-nox package.

Extract from debian/rules :

# Check that we did not install a plugin linked with libX11 in vlc-nox
   BORKED=no; \
   for file in $$(find debian/vlc-nox/usr/lib/vlc -name '*.so'); do \
     if ldd $$file | grep -q libX11; then \
       BORKED=yes; \
       echo $$file depends on libX11; \
     fi; \
   done; \
   if test "$$BORKED" = yes; then exit 1; fi

   I'm contacting you because you are listed as the maintainer on
Freshports for the multimedia/vlc port for FreeBSD.
   The user cited above, Okalany, was interested in compiling VLC
without X11 support to act as a multimedia server, but currently the
port doesn't allow for that type of functionality at this time.


   However, Okalany was able to get the source to compile without
X11 using the above options to configure (don't believe the
--disable-mad and --disable-ffmpeg options are required, but you
probably know better than us about that :)...), so we were wondering
whether or not the port could be modified to add a WITHOUT_X11 knob.

Of course, but I am lazy to do the patch, so you have to do the work :)
However I'm glad to help if you have trouble

Thanks and we hope to hear back from you soon,
-Garrett, Okalany, et all


Ah, didn't realize that was you. rofl... As the saying goes, good thing you weren't a snake -- otherwise I'd be dead =o....

I'll fix up a patch for you soon.

Do this on a compiled tree please --

sh -c 'for i in `find -type f`; if ldd "$i" | grep -q libX11; then echo "$i depends on libX11.so"; fi; done'

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