clipboard-daemon port does not work on Unbutu 8.04. Unbutu forum is full
with complains. If somebody is intersted in the detail:
a: start gedit, type, select, ctrl-C,close gedit
b: start AbiWord, Paste is avaliable, bu NOTHING is pasted (even not an
empty string).
a: a: start gedit, type, select, ctrl-C,close gedit
b: start Bluefish, works in 50% cases

Note: if I first paste int terminal window, Bluefish is OK. If
first Bluefish and if fails and then terminal, terminal also fails.

Hope this helps.

A to me, I installed Klipper and almost lost interest
in clipboard-daemon. Actually if it clipboard-daemon would work, I
rather prefer it. Klipper has a lot of features I never use.

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