On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 09:19:35PM +0100, Rob MacGregor wrote:
> Chris Shenton unleashed the infinite monkeys on 13/06/2008 19:50 producing:
>> The port tries to find the .tgz on FreeBSD.org only, but it does not
>> exist.  I found it on slimdevices -- same MD5, SHA256, SIZE:
>> http://www.slimdevices.com/downloads/SqueezeCenter_v7.0.0/squeezecenter-7.0-noCPAN.tgz
> I saw the same thing, but grabbed the 7.0.1 version instead (as the port is 
> supposedly 7.0.1).  I had to change the variable WRKSRC to reflect the new 
> directory.

I suspect you have an outdated port.  What is the $FreeBSD*$ string in the
comment at the top of the Makefile?  It should be:

# $FreeBSD: ports/audio/squeezecenter/Makefile,v 1.46 2008/06/12 00:56:51 
brooks Exp $

> I instead get:
> Starting squeezecenter.
> The following CPAN modules were found but cannot work with SqueezeCenter:
>   JSON::XS::VersionOneAndTwo (loaded <not found>, need 0.31)
> The JSON package is installed:
> p5-JSON-XS-2.20     JSON serialising/deserialising, done...

This is almost certainly caused be an outdated port.  The JSON::XS
version in ports used to match the one in the ports system.  As a
result, the fact that I'd failed to remove all of the pieces from the
CPAN directory in the distribution didn't hurt.  Once the ports version
was updated that caused things to break.  I suspect that's the problem
here, though it could be something else.

-- Brooks

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