On Sat, 24 May 2008 17:27:04 +0200 (CEST), Ganael LAPLANCHE wrote
> On Sat, 24 May 2008 13:04:57 +0400, Boris Samorodov wrote
> > I'd suggest another option. What about fixing bsd.linux-rpm.mk? Ex.,
> > one may introduce, say, a pre-install target (or even do it at the
> > very beginning of a do-install stage) and conditionally delete
> > unneeded files from WRKDIR (so they won't get installed at do-install
> > stage).
> Thanks for your answer :)
> Of course, fixing bsd.linux-rpm.mk would be the best option !
> Your idea is good, but PORTDOCS would not be useable for that purpose. 
> It cannot be used to identify files to delete because it is relative 
> to the destination target (DOCSDIR), not to WRKDIR or WRKSRC.

Wait... DOCSDIR_REL (relative to PREFIX) is derived from DOCSDIR and *may* be
also always relative to WRKDIR for linux RPMs, since RPM installation is just a
copy of a tree structure which is relative to PREFIX. So maybe I was wrong here.
Anyway, if I add that to my archivers/linux-par2cmdline port's Makefile :

.if defined(NOPORTDOCS)
.for x in ${PORTDOCS}
        @${RM} ${WRKDIR}/${DOCSDIR_REL}/${x}
        @${RMDIR} ${WRKDIR}/${DOCSDIR_REL}/

It works :) So I think I'll stick to that solution at the moment. Note that two
other linux ports are subject to the same problem as mine :
/usr/ports/graphics/linux-png and /usr/ports/graphics/linux-png10.

Best regards,

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