On Mon, May 05, 2008 at 10:54:59AM -0500, Paul Schmehl wrote:
> A PR was submitted recently regarding a problem with a port that I 
> maintain.  I deteremined what the problem was and created a patch for the 
> Makefile and a replacement for one of the patch files in FILESDIR.  I then 
> started send-pr, changed the TO; address to bug-followups and added a 
> subject line referring to the existing PR.
> A new PR was opened anyway.  Obviously I don't know how to do this 
> correctly. What is the correct procedure when you want to respond to an 
> existing PR by submitting a patch for the problem?

Reply to bug-followup@ leaving the subject intact.  Usually it is "Re:
ports/XXXXX <description>" which is enough to get it routed into the
correct PR.  You can attach your new patch directly to that mail and it
will be handled properly.

I think it takes most people a few times of trial and error to get it
right, so don't feel bad.  I know I opened a few PRs by mistake that
way.  :)

-- WXS
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