To whom it might concern,

I've started a rebuild of all ports, on my home system, and links port failed, with the libdirectfb. I have fixed it -- the dependancy line with the "libdirectfb" entry should be changed to "directfb".

Line 51 (as of my last portsnap fetch; portsnap update, a few minutes ago) of /usr/ports/www/links/Makefile should read:

LIB_DEPENDS+=           directfb:${PORTSDIR}/devel/directfb

Instead it reads:

LIB_DEPENDS+=           libdirectfb:${PORTSDIR}/devel/directfb

Hopefully this hasn't affected too many people, and hopefully I'm not pestering the wrong people.


ADAM David Alan Martin

Filesystem and Storage Lab, SUNY Stony Brook
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