The following reply was made to PR amd64/121951; it has been noted by GNATS.
From: Roland Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Bill Squire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: amd64/121951: Javascript bug in _amd64_ version of Mozilla-Firefox Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 13:55:32 +0100 --Kj7319i9nmIyA2yE Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 03:52:30AM +0100, Bill Squire wrote: >=20 > >Number: 121951 > >Category: amd64 > >Synopsis: Javascript bug in _amd64_ version of Mozilla-Firefox > >Confidential: no > >Severity: non-critical > >Priority: medium > >Responsible: freebsd-amd64 > >State: open > >Quarter: =20 > >Keywords: =20 > >Date-Required: > >Class: sw-bug > >Submitter-Id: current-users > >Arrival-Date: Sat Mar 22 03:30:01 UTC 2008 > >Closed-Date: > >Last-Modified: > >Originator: Bill Squire > >Release: FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE amd64 > >Organization: > Billsf Holding BV / Squire for Hire=09 > >Environment: > System: FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE #0: Wed = Mar 12 16:30:16 CET 2008 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/pkg/src_7/src/sys= /CURACAO-SMP amd64 Xorg-xorg-7.3_1 with xf86-video-ati-6.7.196 for ATI Rad= eon X550 (RV370) > 5B63 (PCIE) with XFCE (Gnome apps and some KDE apps) FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE #0: Fri Feb 29 01:= 45:32 CET 2008 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/RFS amd64 xorg-server-1.4_6,1 and xf86-video-ati-6.8.0_1 on a Radeon 9250 (RV280). firefox-,1 with the following OPTIONS: WITH_NEWTAB=3Dtrue WITHOUT_SMB=3Dtrue WITH_DEBUG=3Dtrue WITHOUT_LOGGING=3Dtrue WITH_OPTIMIZED_CFLAGS=3Dtrue JavaScript is enabled, but all the options under 'advanced' are off. > >How-To-Repeat: > goto: <> and note there are NO maps -- anywhere > 100% repeatable -- problem has developed over the past six months. = =20 Shows fine here. No errors in the error console, just some warnings. It _does_ show maps. =20 > goto: <>, login and try to "Retrieve more of ...." > (at the bottom of the page) > Try to set preferences or any other 'ajax-style' window=20 > 100% repeatable -- has developed over 1/2 a year.=20 Other than the 'pop-up' windows are bloody slow, I see nothing wrong with them. > <> has very good error recovery in its scripts -- works. > error: 'u has no properties' (no noticable consequences) = =20 A lot of warnings concerning css, but no errors here. Works fine. Roland --=20 R.F.Smith [plain text _non-HTML_ PGP/GnuPG encrypted/signed email much appreciated] pgp: 1A2B 477F 9970 BA3C 2914 B7CE 1277 EFB0 C321 A725 (KeyID: C321A725) --Kj7319i9nmIyA2yE Content-Type: application/pgp-signature Content-Disposition: inline -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.8 (FreeBSD) iEYEARECAAYFAkflAcQACgkQEnfvsMMhpyVg2ACffyu1kM1A/FhMTZ3ZtuAKaFAt Z88AoKowxabo9+c1unfkk29hlDZqbfAn =+ad6 -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --Kj7319i9nmIyA2yE-- _______________________________________________ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"