Hi Boris,
I have 2 question  to you.
Sometimes when I use quagga script for start, restart or status commands, there 
turns up strange message about unexpected operator on the different routers 
with quagga.
I have some routers based on Linux and these errors are not there.
# /etc2/rc.d/quagga status
[: 34978: unexpected operator ----<<< strange
quagga is running as pid 35227.
quagga is running as pid 35233.
quagga is running as pid 35239.
Sleeping 10 seconds to obtain dynamic routing information...

And second question about PID´s, would it be possilbe instead drab quagga 
daemon place the real name of daemons, to see which daemon is not or is running 
For the first question I could send you more information, but my configuration 
is clean, I am pretty sure.
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