On Wed, Feb 06, 2008 at 11:15:30AM +0000, Alex Zbyslaw wrote:
>My email provider could wait *days* before retrying an email which was 
>greylisted.  It took four days for a message to arrive in test@ and the 
>mail logs clearly showed them failing to retry at any kind of acceptable 

SingTel Optus Pty Limited (the second largest ISP in Australia)
provide a similar "service".  Last time I raised the issue with them,
they claimed that they retried at 4 hour intervals - despite me
providing them with evidence to the contrary - but refused to provide
any evidence to backup their claim.  They insisted that the delivery
problems were the fault of the recipient and I should contact the
recipients ISP to get it fixed.

Peter Jeremy
Please excuse any delays as the result of my ISP's inability to implement
an MTA that is either RFC2821-compliant or matches their claimed behaviour.

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