Kevin Foo wrote:
> Hi Marcelo,
> I have recently csup'ed my ports tree and upgraded my box. Portupgrade
> completed without any problem. Later, I discovered that all my
> mod_security2 rules (which are the modified of default core rules)
> were replaced without my knowledge. Luckily, I still have decent
> backup of those rules.
> I'm not sure if it is proper for a port to upgrade config files by
> overwriting them even though the checksums are bad? Is this a bug?
> P/S : Please cc me as I'm not subscribed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -- 
> Regards
> Kevin Foo 
Hey dear Kevin,

The change to version 2 of mod_security is a dramatic change, because
exist a need to completely rewrite their obsolete rules for ability to
use the new syntax.
I search but not find in UPDATE files any references about this, I
believe I forgot this.

Thanks about the alert, I will take the providences!

Best Regards,

Marcelo Araujo            (__)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     \\\'',)   \/  \ ^
Power To Server.         .\. /_)

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