> I have a server with round about 200 installed Ports. I need
> to setup a second server with the same, but slightly newer,
> ports recompiled from source.
> Is there an easy way to crate a port list

Use the Root and Leaf sections from 'portmaster -l'
(ports-mgmt/portmaster) and skip the Trunk and Branch sections.

> with compile options

I try to use ports.conf (ports-mgmt/portconf) for this, but it does not
include the OPTIONS framework (/var/db/ports/*/options) .

Maybe someone else can help further on this point, and

> and feed a build command on the second server with it?

on this one as well. (I use my own script portsinstall.sh for this, it
uses a list like x11/xorg x11/kde3 devel/glib20 ...)

   Hans Lambermont
http://hans.dse.nl/   () ASCII-ribbon campaign against vCards,
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