Install the package/port gcc42.
I have said this to the list before. Surely any port that uses gcc4.2
or such like HAS to have it listed as RUN_DEPENDS or LIB_DEPENDS as well
as BUILD_DEPENDS. And this needs to be fixed at the ports/Mk level.
How can the naive user be expected to know to install gcc42. (Even if
you are running FreeBSD 7.x, this comes an issue with any port that uses
Jason C. Wells wrote:
The prebuilt package openoffice-2.3.1 requires FreeBSD
6.3 has
I have always rolled my own and am unfamiliar with packages. This
particular package would appear to have been built against a librart
version that is not installed on FreeBSD-6. If I have somehow erred,
please point out my error.
Is this package buggy?
Shouldn't packages link against /usr/lib/ and so follow the
softlinks that the system provides?
On my system:
/libexec/ Shared object "" not found, required
by "javaldx"
/libexec/ Shared object "" not found, required
by "pagein"
/libexec/ Shared object "" not found, required
by "soffice.bin"
$ ls -la /usr/lib/libstdc++*
-r--r--r-- 1 root wheel 1585324 Jan 11 05:55 /usr/lib/libstdc++.a
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 14 Jan 11 05:55 /usr/lib/ ->
-r--r--r-- 1 root wheel 803928 Jan 11 05:55 /usr/lib/
-r--r--r-- 1 root wheel 1577098 Jan 11 05:55 /usr/lib/libstdc++_p.a
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