On Wed, 2008-01-09 at 10:53 -0500, Alexandre "Sunny" Kovalenko wrote:
> I have seen recent commit WRT string collation in devel/glib20 by
> marcus, so I have decided to check if there is an interest to fix SEGV
> in g_utf8_collate when it is given 8-bit non-UTF-8 string(s) to collate.

Any commits I have made in the area of UTF-8 are completely accidental.
I am not the UTF-8 guy.  Both bland and jylefort have expressed interest
in this.  Perhaps one of them will comment.

> Good (but by no means only) example of this would be using Evolution to
> open mailbox with the mix of KOI-8, CP1251 and UTF-8 message subjects
> and order them by the subject. Admittedly, I do not know whether there
> are special symbols that trigger the situation or any mix would do. vova
> at fbsd ru posted test case mailbox under the link below.
> Full discussion including my first approach to fix this problem could be
> found here
> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=492389
> Slightly different approach is attached to this E-mail.

I'm not sure why the malloc and copy.  Why not just use g_strdup()?

> Without either patch, my Evolution will core dump on start-up. 
> First patch was rejected by gnome folks with the recommendation "Don't
> do that", which, unfortunately, is not that easy to follow ;)
> Any comments from people with the knowledge of gnome, UTF-8 and string
> collation will be greatly appreciated.

I'm hoping someone like bland chimes in here.  Touching glib in such a
way makes me nervous, but bland has had experience, especially with
Cyrillic, so maybe he can offer some additional tips or insight.


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