On Sat, Jan 05, 2008 at 09:19:13PM -0500, Piotr wrote:
> I've installed the newest libpcap-0.9.7_1, but I'm still getting errors:
> # pkg_info | grep libpcap
> libpcap-0.9.7_1     Ubiquitous network traffic capture library
> In file included from Pcap.xs:43:
> stubs.inc:91: error: redefinition of `struct pcap_if'

And all this time, *this* is the actual error that is breaking the build.
Not the warnings; they are just that - only warnings.  But this is
a real problem.

Unfortunately, I cannot right now understand why this would break;
it seems to be somehow related to a HAVE_PCAP_FINDALLDEVS define.
For some reason, the Makefile.PL configuration stage did not detect
the pcap_findalldevs() function in your pcap library.  Can you post
the contents of the Makefile in the Net-Pcap-0.15/ work directory?


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