In response to Mikhail Teterin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On четвер 13 грудень 2007, Peter Jeremy wrote:
> = So far one person has stated that they tried and gave
> = up.  Maybe the next person will be more successful.
> Absolutely right. My point, however, was that the rashed removal makes that 
> hypothetical next person's job more difficult.

There was nothing rash about it.  Any lawyer will tell you that under
the threat of legal action, you remove the threat, _then_ look in to
creative ways to fix the problem.

There was not an immediate answer to hand.  As a result, Mark did the
right thing and protected the FreeBSD project from any potential legal
action until a better solution can be found.

> Any claims of license violations -- which, according to Mark, lead to the 
> hasty removal -- should've been addressed by using FORBIDDEN/IGNORE instead.

Perhaps you're right.  However, I'd like to hear the opinion of a lawyer
as to whether this is acceptable or not.

Bill Moran
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