On 12/11/07, Paul Schenkeveld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So now I have a need for a metaport to depend on another metaport.
> Without DEPENDS, how do I accomplish that.  Using RUN_DEPENDS with
> ${NONEXISTENT} seems not appropriate here, the Porters Handbook says
> that this should only be used to pull in source, not to install another
> metaport (unless it is already installed) and the effect of using
> something like RUN_DEPENDS=${NONEXISTENT}:${PORTSDIR}/lang/php5-extensions
> causes make install to try installing php5-extensions even when this port
> is already installed.
> The two metaport I need to depend on are php5-extensions and
> xorg-drivers and I really don't want to copy the OPTIONS processing of
> these ports and maintain that in the future.

For xorg-drivers you simply use:


to get this to work for php5-extensions, you would need to patch the
Makefile with:

PLIST_FILES= libdata/php5/extensions
PLIST_DIR= libdata/php5

                ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/libdata/php5
                ${TOUCH} ${PREFIX}/libdata/php5/extensions

Then you could use:


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