It's a shame that I can't use a script placed in /files to change rc.conf
during install/
deinstall. I really liked that. But i guess I will settle with a dull
pkg-message at the
end, like the rest of you...
Well, no, it's not a shame. The last thing we want to do as a community
is enable all sorts of daemons that users don't know they have enabled.
It's up to the owner of a box to enable a daemon **in the way** that they
want it enabled. For example, *none* of the daemons on my workstation
listen for connections on its IP address - only on localhost. If you
enabled the daemon by default while installing the script, and I didn't
have time to config it the way I wanted, and it got started (either by
accident or by reboot) I would be pissed (not to mention possibly hacked.)
As porters our job is to make the software available for install *not*
decide how or when it will be used.
I principal I agree. My script asked if you wanted the lines added to
rc.conf or not.
That can ofcause be a problem i you want to make install world or
But the current way is not very userfrendly - especially for non tech
desktop users.
/Simon R.
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