Jason C. Wells wrote:
> Most of the message below is just rounding out the discussion.  There is
> one significant question on recursion though.

Sounds good, I'll snip the bits that don't require comment.

> Doug Barton wrote:
>>> I also ended up with shared a library version problem
>>> in at least one port (grip) in spite of having started my build with a
>>> completely vacant /usr/local.
>> That sounds like a problem with the ports. I can't think of any way
>> that portmaster would cause that.
> It might be due to a non-clean /usr/local on the target install host. It
> was a foo.so.3 is required but foo.so.2 is installed sort of error.  I
> haven't dealt with the installation step in a meaningful way yet.  Don't
> worry about responding to this bit.

I think you're on the right track there.

>>> I used 'portmaster -GgDt -p /usr/ports/ports $pmarg' for my run
>>> where $pmarg was the list of 31 ports.
>> That's definitely not going to work, for several reasons. The -G
>> switch should only be used _after_ you've already run portmaster
>> without it for a given port build.
> I had manually run 'make config-recursive' previously.  I'll do as
> advised at any rate.

The config-recursive target does most of what portmaster does, but not
all. Most significantly, it's not adaptive to changing an OPTION that
results in a new dependency graph. What probably happened (and this is
just a WAG) is that because portmaster didn't "see" some of the
dependencies further down the tree they were installed by the ports
infrastructure, so portmaster made no packages for them.

In version 1.24 I added the -DNO_DEPENDS flag to 'make install' so
that this problem can't happen.

>> I'm also unsure
>> what /usr/ports/ports is supposed to be, unless that's a local path
>> issue.
> It's a local hierarchy issue.  I pushed the ports tree up one level and
> therein lie 6.2, -current, and the soon to be 7.0 trees.

Ok, you might want to take a look at the PORTSDIR variable in
ports/Mk/bsd.port.mk, and set that in your environment accordingly.

>> Assuming that your list of ports is relative to the /usr/ports
>> directory (e.g., 'archivers/unzip astro/planets', etc.), what I would
>> do is:
>> for dir in $pmarg; do
>> portmaster -BgD -p /usr/ports/$dir
>> done
> Aha!  I had an error (don't recall exactly) without using -p where the
> complaint had something to do with not finding something in /usr/ports.

Yeah, that makes sense. If you set PORTSDIR in your environment you
should be able to just specify the list of ports (astro/planets, etc.)
without the -p option.

> But what about recursion?  I held the notion the portmaster did
> magically delicious recursion

Heh, I like that phrase.

> and so I thought that providing the list
> of ports to a single invocation of portmaster would allow portmaster to
> sort the build order correctly.

Well, yes and no. If you give the whole long list of ports to build it
will save the information about which ports are already up to date
between builds, but that feature has only been tested for "a few"
ports at a time. In theory what you're proposing should work, but I
haven't tested it. In fact, if you do that I'd be interested in your
results. :)

There is one other issue that I think would help you understand the
process; the concept of root, trunk, branch, and leaf ports. If you do
'portmaster -l' on a system that has the stuff you want installed on
it already, you'll get a good idea what I'm talking about.

To start from scratch on a clean system you want to extract the list
of root (no dependencies, not depended on) and leaf (have
dependencies, not depended on) ports from a working system (add any
additional ports you want of course), and then use that list to build
on your clean system. This will allow portmaster to handle the
recursion through the dependencies (trunk and branch ports).

> The code snippet you show would cause
> portmaster to _forget_ recursion information during each iteration of
> the loop.  My concern was that some dependencies would be built more
> than once.  

Well good news there, if the installed version of the port is up to
date it won't be rebuilt. The version check is pretty light weight,
and only occurs once during the config phase. After that it's cached.
Like I said above, specifying the whole list of ports on the command
line _should_ work, and would avoid even having to do the check more
than once, but doing the roots and leaves one by one shouldn't add
very much of a performance penalty either.

hope this helps,



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