On Tue, 6 Nov 2007, Doug Barton wrote:

I just did the mondo upgrade of the ports on my up to date 8-current
laptop. Whereas before the upgrade the default video output would always
be the monitor attached to the dock if my laptop was in the dock (which
was what I wanted), now X refuses to see the dock at all, and it will only
come up on the laptop screen.

The console works just fine on the dock's monitor, and I double-checked
the bios to make sure that the dock is set as primary video out. I also
commented out all mentions of the laptop's screen from xorg.conf, but it
steadfastly insists on coming up only on the laptop.

All my ports are up to date, including kde 3.5.8, and nvidia-driver
100.14.19. I also tried with and without the -ignoreABI option, no change.
I should also point out that I'm using kdm, but I was using it before the
upgrade too. Turning kdm off and using startx has no effect (still comes
up only on the laptop screen).

Finally had a chance to test the next part of this, and it turns out that the problem is with the new nvidia driver. If I roll back to 100.14.11 then all is well.

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