Try recompiling all the dependent libs for php-imagemagick,
usually whenever I've had this problem it was from old incompatible lib

Andrey A. Belashkov wrote:
> Hi.
> I try to install php-magickwand from FreeBSD 6.2 ports. Ports was updated by
> portsnap to current version before. After install i run php cli with -i
> switch and got:
> ~]# php -i
> MagickWand Backend Library => ImageMagick
> MagickWand Extension Version => 1.0.5
> ImageMagick support => enabled
> ImageMagick version => ImageMagick 6.3.5 10/24/07 Q16 
> ImageMagick QuantumRange (MaxRGB) => 65535
> php in free(): error: junk pointer, too high to make sense
> Abort trap: 6 (core dumped)
> ~]#
> In core file i cant see nothing what can help me to solve this trouble.
> I try disable all other modules in /usr/local/etc/php/extensions.ini -
> same error.
> I try compile ImageMagick with "--enable-embeddable" - same error.
> I try google this issue - nothing can find.
> I also try get from SVN development version of MagickWandForPHP - same
> error.
> So, how i can use MagickWandForPHP-1.0.5 with PHP 5.2.4 ?
> Thanks.
> --------------------------------------------------------------
>     _
>    . .      Best Regards, Andrey A. Belashkov,
>  /  v  \    UNIX system & network Administrator. AAB56-RIPE ICQ: 8229031
> /(     )\   My resume you can see on
>   ^^ ^^
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