INDEX build failed with errors: Generating INDEX- - please wait.."Makefile", line 79: Unassociated shell command "@${ECHO}" "Makefile", line 80: Unassociated shell command "@${ECHO} "You need an uncommitted kernel patch to run this port:"" "Makefile", line 81: Unassociated shell command "@${ECHO} "You can get it at:"" "Makefile", line 82: Unassociated shell command "@${ECHO} "linux.shm.patch-cvs-freebsd5-20030329"" "Makefile", line 83: Unassociated shell command "@${ECHO}" make: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue ===> emulators/vmware3 failed *** Error code 1 *** Error code 1
Stop in /a/erwin/tindex/ports. *** Error code 1 Stop in /a/erwin/tindex/ports. 1 error Committers on the hook: delphij garga linimon marius thierry Most recent CVS update was: U LEGAL U audio/rezound/Makefile U databases/db46/Makefile U databases/db46/distinfo U databases/mysql-query-browser/Makefile U devel/bazaar-ng/Makefile U devel/bouml/Makefile U devel/bouml/distinfo U graphics/g3dviewer/Makefile U net/miniupnpd/Makefile U net/miniupnpd/distinfo U net/penguintv/Makefile U net/penguintv-devel/Makefile U science/hdf5/Makefile U textproc/Makefile U textproc/scim-kmfl-sil-ipa-unicode5/Makefile U textproc/scim-kmfl-sil-ipa-unicode5/distinfo U textproc/scim-kmfl-sil-ipa-unicode5/pkg-descr U textproc/scim-kmfl-sil-ipa-unicode5/files/patch-IPAUni11.kmn U textproc/scim-kmfl-sil-ipa-unicode5/files/ U www/rt36/Makefile U www/rt36/distinfo U x11-drivers/xf86-input-keyboard/Makefile U x11-drivers/xf86-input-keyboard/files/patch-at_scancode.c U x11-drivers/xf86-input-keyboard/files/patch-bsd_kbd.c _______________________________________________ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"